Author: efmiller
The Rambling Story of How I Joined the Tribe
I’m going to sleep tonight in my W&M sweat pants and the over-sized t-shirt from the school I almost went to: I’ll call it “the university,” because which one it was really doesn’t matter. Now, as involved and in love with William and Mary as I am, it’s odd to remember that I almost didn’t…
Life Without My Laptop
This is a very very lonely day. My laptop, Troy, has to spend a few days in IT getting a new fan because I am irresponsible and don’t always keep Troy on a flat solid surface. I’m not ashamed to admit that without Troy I am very uncomfortable. In case you don’t know, every freshman…
Spring Break 09
Hello CyberReaders, I returned to campus from Spring Break today, and I have just decided that writing a response paper can wait. It’s much more fun to blog about my break. I’m actually not a big SPRING BREAK!! person. I’m busy enough and having enough fun at school, that I like using spring break as…
How to Join the Tribe and Still Be a Patriot
One of my high-school teachers told me that college students stop returning to their high schools after their freshman year. I probably get too much satisfaction out of rejecting that statistic. I still love going back. High-school years weren’t perfect, and I was ready to graduate when the time came, but returning to my alma…
Let’s See How Far We’ve Come
It’s that busy time in spring again when I’m trying to balance the work of this semester while making plans for the summer and next year. Even with more than a month left, I’ve started to reflect on sophomore year, and it’s crazy to think how much has changed. This time last year I was…
Let’s Watch a Disney Channel Movie
Last semester I took “The Global Color Line,” a history class comparing race realities in South Africa and the United States and finding connections between the black freedom struggles in both nations. Our final paper had to tie together South Africa and the United States but otherwise was ours to create. As I am a…
Oh the places you’ll go
So I am a pretty big homebody. I love excitement and adventure, but more often than not I am happily hanging out in my dorm room with a friend (and with a single in Jamestown, it’s even easier to stay in). As much as I love being “home,” there are a few other places you…